Telegram Founder Pavel Durov's Arrest Sparks Panic and Controversy in Russia
The recent arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov in France has ignited considerable controversy and speculation in Russia.
Days before his arrest, Durov reportedly sought a meeting with President Putin in Baku, which was allegedly denied. Telegram, a crucial communication tool in Russia and Ukraine, and with significant user bases in India, South America, and Latin America, is vital to global communication and Russian influence.
Durov also faces accusations of not cooperating with French authorities on drug trafficking and pedophilia, raising concerns that similar accusations could be directed at other Russians once encrypted messages are accessed.
The arrest has created turmoil due to Telegram’s unique role as the Russian military’s sole messaging platform. If compromised, it could severely impact Russian security and propaganda. In response, panic has spread, leading officials to be instructed to delete official correspondence from Telegram. This directive affects law enforcement agencies, the Presidential Administration, the Government of Russia, the Ministry of Defense, and major businessmen, highlighting the gravity of the situation.