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Writer's pictureOlga Nesterova

EU’s Pact on Migration and Asylum Takes Shape with Common Implementation Plan

The rollout of the Pact on Migration and Asylum gains momentum as the European Commission unveils the Common Implementation Plan, a strategic blueprint designed to guide Member States in adopting National Implementation Plans by year-end. Comprising 10 essential building blocks, this plan underscores a concerted effort to facilitate practical implementation efforts while fostering synergy among interconnected components.

The 10 Building Blocks:

1. Eurodac System Enhancement: A revamped Eurodac system will serve as a cornerstone, aiding Member States in determining responsibility and monitoring secondary movements of asylum seekers. Timely development and implementation of the new Eurodac system are imperative to realizing the full potential of the Pact.

2. Border Management Overhaul: An updated framework for managing migration at EU external borders will streamline procedures for asylum and return while ensuring robust safeguards for irregular migrants.

3. Enhanced Reception Standards: Measures to ensure adequate living standards for applicants, including expedited access to the labor market and improved healthcare provisions, underscore a commitment to humane treatment.

4. Streamlined Asylum Procedures: Efforts to standardize asylum procedures across Europe aim to enhance efficiency and fairness while bolstering rights and safeguards for applicants.

5. Efficient Return Procedures: Sustainable migration policies hinge on effective return procedures for individuals ineligible to stay in the EU, with a designated Return Coordinator tasked with optimizing coordination and cooperation.

6. Establishing Responsibility Rules: New mechanisms seek to establish effective responsibility-sharing across the Union and deter secondary movements through enhanced procedural efficacy.

7. Solidarity Mechanism: The introduction of a permanent, legally-binding solidarity mechanism ensures equitable burden-sharing among Member States during times of pressure.

8. Preparedness and Crisis Response: Proactive measures are essential to enhancing resilience and mitigating risks associated with evolving migratory situations.

9. Safeguards for Vulnerable Persons: Strengthened monitoring of fundamental rights aims to safeguard human dignity and uphold genuine asylum rights, particularly for vulnerable groups such as children.

10. Resettlement and Integration: Emphasis on resettlement, inclusion, and integration underscores the vital role of Member States in fostering cohesive societies and successful migration policies.

The unveiling of the Common Implementation Plan marks a significant stride towards realizing the objectives outlined in the Pact on Migration and Asylum, signaling a united commitment to addressing the complexities of migration management within the European Union.

Source: European Commission, June 11, 2024


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